Friday, May 15, 2015

Immersion in Rm 16

Immersion in Room 16 was an amazing experience. We learnt why recycling is important for our environment. First we did a water testing  experiment, where we had to taste two different bottles of water one with the letter A on it and one letter B. One was filled up with tap water and one was originally bottled water, so we had to decide which one tasted nicer to us.

After tasting both bottles of water I decided the A was the most freshest, But everyone was entitled to their own opinion. After that little experiment we did we watched some videos explaining to us how plastic bottles are made and what it is made of, and did you know that 30% of the bottled water that you buy at your local supermarket is actually fill with tap water.

Plastic bottles are actually made out of oil and do you know what happens to a single plastic bottle when you don't recycle it. It takes over 700-1000 years to get rid of. In room 16 I actually learnt a lot of valuable life lessons for the future. I learnt that we should be taking care of our environment better and to make suer that we recycle.

The bottles that we just throw away in the bins  don't get recycled they just get shipped of to landfill and then get covered so houses can be built to cover it. Creating a single bottle causes pollution in our world. Drinking bottled water is as bad as me just handing you a cup full of oil and telling you to drink it.

So just remember recycling is good and tap water just might beat the taste of bottled water, so don't go out and waste your money on bottled water when you can drink free and fresher water right there in you kitchen. You can also prevent the amount of pollution that you put out into our environment by walking and just picking up rubbish to help out our community.

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