Friday, May 15, 2015

Immersion in Rm 14

As we walked in I saw my class sitting on the mat learning about science living things. When I sat down I was very excited because it was our first ever immersion lesson for 2015. Miss Cheney was teaching us about the life cycle of plants. While we were completing our work sheets 1 group would go and plant their Mustard seeds. In my group was Palu, Sila and I. We were group number 5.

When it came to our turn Sila and Palu put the soil in our egg carton While I was spreading the seeds on top so they could top it off with another batch of soil. While we were doing that miss Chaney explained to us how to take good care of our plant and what we could make with it when it grows.

So in that lesson I learnt why growing plants are important and that roots are very important in a plants life cycle. After planting my own mustard seed I know that plants are a huge part of our nature in New Zealand and all over the world.

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