Sunday, May 17, 2015

Immersion in Rm 11

Flowers, plants and bees who would of known they could be so interesting to learn about. Sometimes we say"bees are yucky and dangerous" because sometimes they can be, but the truth is that if we just take some time and just think about all the things that bees do for us maybe we could appreciate all the valuable thing they do.

Bees provide us with most of our fruits and vegetables. Bees,spiders,whosps  etc give us a lot of things, but most of the times we don't see it and we certainly don't appreciate it. Bees only sting us either because we are trying to harm them or either we are frightening them.

Flowers on the other hand are quite interesting too, I absolutely learnt a lot about flowers. Did you know that a flowers/plants has both female and male parts of it. But one of my most favourite parts of a flower is called the Stigma. The Stigma is in the middle of the flower or plant and it is known to be the female part. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Immersion in Rm 17

What is the first thing that comes onto your head when I say the word Carbon?. It could be gas, air, plants,trees etc. But what about when  I say the word Carbon Footprint?. For me absolutely nothing. But did you know that every single person that walks this earth has a Carbon Footprint.

When we were learning more about Carbon Footprint it surprised me because  had no idea what it was, but when Miss Chandra was explaining it to us I was starting to get a clearer picture in my mind of what it was. After that we watched a few videos about Carbon Footprint and we had to write down all the interesting facts on our brainstorm.

After watching all of the videos about Carbon Footprint we had to go on our Google docs where Miss Mules had shared a document with us about Carbon Footprint. On our Google drive there was a link to a website that showed us how big our Carbon Footprint. If everyone lived a lifestyle like mine we would need 1.3 planets.

In that document there were also some questions that we had to answer. Carbon Footprint is and interesting  thing you can see how much pollution we are putting out into the air. I learnt a lot in Room 17 about Carbon Footprint and why we have one. Now I know how to prevent my Carbon footprint so our air doesn't get polluted.

Immersion in Rm 16

Immersion in Room 16 was an amazing experience. We learnt why recycling is important for our environment. First we did a water testing  experiment, where we had to taste two different bottles of water one with the letter A on it and one letter B. One was filled up with tap water and one was originally bottled water, so we had to decide which one tasted nicer to us.

After tasting both bottles of water I decided the A was the most freshest, But everyone was entitled to their own opinion. After that little experiment we did we watched some videos explaining to us how plastic bottles are made and what it is made of, and did you know that 30% of the bottled water that you buy at your local supermarket is actually fill with tap water.

Plastic bottles are actually made out of oil and do you know what happens to a single plastic bottle when you don't recycle it. It takes over 700-1000 years to get rid of. In room 16 I actually learnt a lot of valuable life lessons for the future. I learnt that we should be taking care of our environment better and to make suer that we recycle.

The bottles that we just throw away in the bins  don't get recycled they just get shipped of to landfill and then get covered so houses can be built to cover it. Creating a single bottle causes pollution in our world. Drinking bottled water is as bad as me just handing you a cup full of oil and telling you to drink it.

So just remember recycling is good and tap water just might beat the taste of bottled water, so don't go out and waste your money on bottled water when you can drink free and fresher water right there in you kitchen. You can also prevent the amount of pollution that you put out into our environment by walking and just picking up rubbish to help out our community.

Immersion in Rm 15

On Monday we went to room 15 for Immersion. In room 15 we learnt about pest control. The lovely miss Spencer explained what we would be doing for our lesson. We learnt about all of the different kinds of pest in our world such as: Possums, Rats, Stokes etc.

After a few minutes of learning about pest we went out to the bottom court. There we played a game called Possum picnic and the aim of the game was to physically show us how Possums kill our trees. Learning about pest control made me realise that scientist are working so hard and that our trees should be getting looked after properly.

Then we learnt about Possum traps and how they worked. Miss Spencer had gone out to her local supermarket and had brought a Possum trap. So we went out to the bottom field and set it off. When we were setting up our Possum trap Miss Spencer explained to us how it works. On the front of the Possum trap I saw a sign saying "Keep fingers clear". When Bernadette pulled the string up to set it we knew it was ready, so Miss Spencer kicked it and it went bang.

Pests are not only cute and fury animals but they are also deadly. Pest are the reason why our native trees are being damaged and are in danger. Most pest are originally from overseas, when they travelled to our beautiful country in big ship, they brought them here on their ships. I think Pests are no good for our environment.

Immersion in Rm 14

As we walked in I saw my class sitting on the mat learning about science living things. When I sat down I was very excited because it was our first ever immersion lesson for 2015. Miss Cheney was teaching us about the life cycle of plants. While we were completing our work sheets 1 group would go and plant their Mustard seeds. In my group was Palu, Sila and I. We were group number 5.

When it came to our turn Sila and Palu put the soil in our egg carton While I was spreading the seeds on top so they could top it off with another batch of soil. While we were doing that miss Chaney explained to us how to take good care of our plant and what we could make with it when it grows.

So in that lesson I learnt why growing plants are important and that roots are very important in a plants life cycle. After planting my own mustard seed I know that plants are a huge part of our nature in New Zealand and all over the world.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cross Country

Huffing and Puffing as I was struggling up the hill. Slowly thinking to myself,  how could we be back here again. My heart was hammering  and I could barely feel my legs, feeling unsure if the sky was going to be clear or if it was going to start pouring out of no where.

 The sound of the speeding feet that were passing me was like a switch of a light. Watching everyone run past me made me think that if they can do it Maybe I could too. Running up the hill was dreadful, but I knew that I couldn't let myself down so I picked myself up and showed that hill whose boss. Running cross country was one of my worse fears but I couldn't give up just yet.

Sprinting along the course pushing myself to the finish line was like trying to swim away from a great white shark. Felling dizzy and a bit notorious made me wonder if I was going to make it. On my third lap I felt a bit relived that I didn't give up because the truth is that I am small and I am skinning.

Running my last and final lap made me feel like there was a heavy burden that had just been carried off my shoulders. As i was running up the hill I could hear everyone cheering as I run past so I sprinted as fast as I could past the finish line.